Sold House Prices in London, Hazel Grove, Se26 4jj, | - Get a free agent valuation
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Hazel grove sydenham se26 4jj free -Interesting Information for Hazel Grove, Lewisham, London, SE26 4JH Postcode.Sold House Prices in London, Hazel Grove, Sejj, |
Our information is available for almost all UK postcodes. Alternatively, click here to view demographic information about SE26 as a whole. The information on housing, people, culture, employment and education that is displayed about Hazel Grove, Lewisham, London, SE26 4JH is based on the last census performed in the UK in They are performed once every 10 years. Please note: census information may include figures for adjacent streets and postcodes.
The figures are therefore representative of the local area, not a specific street address or row of houses. The census collection is designed so that each group of postcodes should contain at least people 50 in Scotland. This is done to preserve the anonymity of the people in that area, as some postcodes cover a very small area, sometimes a single building.
You can see the area covered by the census statistics by clicking "Show Census Area Covered" below the map above. The information we provide on the website is done so without charge. However, if you wish to use this data on other websites, or in any other public medium should consult our data sources page for information on how you should correctly attribute the information.
We have found 5 property sales in Hazel Grove since the beginning of Our data comes directly from the Land Registry, and is updated monthly. It does not include commercial sales, or sales of land without property. The area containing Hazel Grove, Lewisham, London consists predominantly of flats, which is common in inner cities, student neighbourhoods and poorer suburban settings.
Please note that the figures may include adjacent streets - see the Summary tab for an explanation and map of the area that these figures cover. This data lists the total number of residents normally resident within each household. The figures do not record under- or over-occupancy. Social Grade approximations are derived from an algorithm created by the Market Research Society. The figures shown are per-household rather than individual - more specifically, the job title and employer of the "household reference person" is used, analogous to what traditionally was called the head of the household.
Only household reference persons between the ages of are included. This is commonly seen in suburban neighbourhoods, and sometiems in areas of high social housing. Figures for relationship status do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged who are in full-time education. Health in the UK is strongly tied to age as you would expect, but the affluence of a neighbourhood also has strong influence, with deprived areas often showing poorer standards of health.
Overall, the UK considers itself to be healthy - The full breakdown is as follows for the United Kingdom: At the time of the census, across the UK The qualification levels are based on current qualification names. As a country with a diverse population, the UK is home to other sizable ethnic groups, with mixed ethnicity 2. There is considerable division of ethnicities within the UK, with ethnically diverse addresses uncommon outside of urban areas. At the time of the census, approximately Note that an individual may hold one or more passports.
The data may include people living in adjacent addresses to SE26 4JH. England and Wales are primarily Christian countries, with However, a sizeable portion of the population Some 4. On average, around 9. Male residents were slightly less likely than women to be students.
The figures for students include both working and full-time studying students. Figures for economic activity do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged who are in full-time education. This data is therefore based on The data was correct as of the census, which was a period of depressed economic activity.
For non-urgent queries, contact For emergency assistance, please contact Data courtesy of police. See our Data Sources page for more information. Below are the details of the closest services to Lewisham. All distances are straightline distances, please consult the map of the facility to check the exact location. You can also view these details on our interactive services map for SE26 4JH.
The nearest railway station is Sydenham London , approximately yards away. The nearest Overground station is Sydenham, approximately yards away. The nearest is Forest Hill School, approximately yards away.
The nearest is Sydenham Green Group Practice, approximately yards away. The nearest is mydentist, Sydenham Road, Sydenham, approximately yards away. The nearest is The Sloane Hospital, approximately 2. The nearest is Jay Opticians, approximately yards away. Want to find out which broadband package is right for you?
StreetCheck now offers a handy broadband comparison tool. Compare Broadband Now. This postcode has support for Ultrafast broadband at one or more premises. Ultrafast broadband is the latest high-speed standard, generally taken to mean fixed line broadband at a potential speed of Mbps or more - more than enough for even the most demanding household gaming, video calling, video and internet browsing needs.
Note that occasionally some properties in a postcode may still not be eligible due to conditions on the ground, or the building structure. If you wish to enquire about a specific property in this postcode, contact the major suppliers, for instance Virgin Media, BT Broadband and Plusnet. For more information on Superfast Broadband, see the OpenReach website. Broadband data is based on information provided by the major fixed internet service providers in the UK, including Virgin Media and BT.
It does not include providers of satellite internet. Data at this postcode has been sourced from 41 reported internet connections. Thanks to a survey [link] performed for Broadband Genie, we can show you the best broadband suppliers in the United Kingdom as of The most popular supplier was Plusnet , based on average scores for value, support, speed, reliability, customer service, security and whether the customer would recommend the supplier.
Looking for a broadband package? StreetCheck now offers a handy broadband comparison tool, click the button below to get started. Compare Broadband. Find Local Information. Use my location. Postcode Information ». Lewisham West and Penge ». Sydenham ». SE26 ». If you wish, you can also view information for the whole of SE26 here.
For more details on the exact area these statistics cover, please see the map below and click "Show Census Area Covered" immediately below the map. For information about recent house sales in this postcode, please view our property sales page for SE26 4JH.
Save Postcode. Share Tweet Share. Nearby Locations Our information is available for almost all UK postcodes. Using this Information Commercially The information we provide on the website is done so without charge.
House Prices We have found 5 property sales in Hazel Grove since the beginning of View House Sale Prices. Housing Types Embed This The area containing Hazel Grove, Lewisham, London consists predominantly of flats, which is common in inner cities, student neighbourhoods and poorer suburban settings.
Click here for explanation. Housing Occupancy Embed This Back to Top This data lists the total number of residents normally resident within each household. Gender Male Female Total Health Embed This Back to Top Health in the UK is strongly tied to age as you would expect, but the affluence of a neighbourhood also has strong influence, with deprived areas often showing poorer standards of health.
Employment Industry Embed This Back to Top This data is based on resident aged on census day , who were in employment. Employment Industry Construction 5 Retail Inc. Wholesale 19 Transportation Inc. Social Work 14 Other Inc. Arts, Recreation etc. Compare Broadband Want to find out which broadband package is right for you?
Top Broadband Suppliers Back to Top Thanks to a survey [link] performed for Broadband Genie, we can show you the best broadband suppliers in the United Kingdom as of
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